Novelas Brasileiras – Brazilian tv Soaps: the message/a mensagem
Vou entrar numa discussão antiga sobre a telenovela do Brasil. Uns dizem que espelha a realidade. Outros dizem que não. E você?
Afinal, que mensagens passa a novela brasileira de mais falso? A violência e a criminalidade, ou o glamour e o luxo?
English Version:
This is an old discussion I bring back to the table. Are brazilian tv soaps true with life reality or not by far? What do you think?
I’ve made a fast recollection of opinions already published on the internet and came to the conclusion that the majority of the opinions change very according to nationality. It seems a brazilian person most commonly says their tv soaps aren’t true to reality, because they show to other countries to much violence, crime and sex. Not Brazilian people say that the biggest lie in their tv soaps are the shown luxury and wealth. Even the extremely poor living in “favelas” have a large and well design space to live in and go around dressing well and looking better.
So, what is it? What’s the fakest message a brasilian soap generates? Violence and crime or glamour and luxury?
This is an old discussion I bring back to the table. Are brazilian tv soaps true with life reality or not by far? What do you think?
I’ve made a fast recollection of opinions already published on the internet and came to the conclusion that the majority of the opinions change very according to nationality. It seems a brazilian person most commonly says their tv soaps aren’t true to reality, because they show to other countries to much violence, crime and sex. Not Brazilian people say that the biggest lie in their tv soaps are the shown luxury and wealth. Even the extremely poor living in “favelas” have a large and well design space to live in and go around dressing well and looking better.
So, what is it? What’s the fakest message a brasilian soap generates? Violence and crime or glamour and luxury?
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